The Nature-Loving Campus
- ◆ Cultivating Plants in Green Heart Garden
- ◆ Welcoming Endangered Species in Forest Whisper
- ◆ Protecting Fireflies in Glowing Pond
- ◆ Lives We Protect
Peaceful Coexistence in Our Daily Lives
Peaceful Coexistence in Our Daily Lives
Kang Chiao makes use of its unique rural environment to provide us with various learning opportunities that allow us to experience the concept of harmonious coexistence between nature and humans firsthand since we were in Grade 1. For example, the school arranges for us to participate in field research every year, allowing us to explore the natural environment from the perspective of conservation and protection.

In addition, the school also organizes activities that allow us to contribute to the protection of the natural environment, such as planting activities and birdhouse-building activities. Through these activities, we can gain a more profound understanding of the concept of harmonious coexistence between nature and humans. These activities give us the chance to listen to Mother Nature and feel the weight of life. They teach us to love and to be strong in our minds. From our observations and explorations, we are always amazed when seeing nature find its way.

the place as natural as possible. Our Nature Area follows his suggestion
and let leaves or logs stay where they fell.