Conservation Plans

Although Taiwan is small in size, it is rich in biodiversity. The government of Taiwan has established units such as the Academic Sinica- Biodiversity Research Center and the Endemic Species Research Institute to make long-term plans for the future of Taiwan's natural environment. Many of these programs focus on rare species and their habitats, transitioning to a higher pattern of biodiversity research. Through biodiversity conservation research and education at different levels of animal genetics, species, and ecosystems, it is hoped that Taiwan will be able to sustainably develop based on effective and appropriate conservation of its ecological environment for the overall well-being of present and future generations. Through local and diversified education, it is also hoped that more people will take part in conservation activities so that the value of biodiversity will be recognized by the public. Efforts will be made to establish biodiversity, monitor it long-term, and implement management and restoration strategies for degraded ecosystems so that the functions of ecosystems will not decline. Finally, the government also actively participates in various international organizations to promote multilateral cooperation among different countries.