Threats to Wildlife
◆ Amphibians

The Chinese box turtle has been listed as an endangered species in The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red Book due to the gradual loss of habitat and hunting pressure caused by human development. This species possesses three unique characteristics. Firstly, it is the most colorful among the native turtles in Taiwan. In addition to the golden eye ring, it has a long golden headband behind the eye and a yellow dotted line in the upper center of its shell. Secondly, the belly of the Chinese box turtle is all black with a distinctive white band in the middle. Lastly, hunting and habitat loss caused by human development have put this species at risk of extinction.
Over-exploitation of low-elevation mountains is the primary dilemma that most wildlife in Taiwan encounters. The challenge is to create a suitable habitat for the Chinese box turtles, ensure the survival of their wild populations, and protect more than 530 species of wildlife, including over 30 conservation species such as the Formosan monkey, Paguma larvata, pangolin, crab-eating mongoose, mountain mammoth, Lophura swinhoii, and Emerald green tree frogs. Ecological and water conservation are two sides of the same coin because a healthy ecological environment in the catchment area is the only way to have quality and abundant water supply. The government has established a wildlife protection zone for the Chinese box turtles, with a core zone and a buffer zone.
In the core zone, the density and stability of the Chinese box turtle population are higher, and the number and abundance of other wildlife species are also higher in this area. The buffer zone is a natural broadleaf forest near the area with higher environmental diversity and abundance of wildlife, designated as a buffer zone for controlled and moderate management. Fortunately, there are still scholars working hard to protect the Chinese box turtles. They are conducting field surveys to piece together the details of the turtles' lives and promoting the designation of protected areas to provide a home for the turtles in a safe shelter. Wildlife is essential for forest health, and the Chinese box turtles are a key species.

people try to protect.