Threats to Wildlife
◆ Freshwater Fish

The freshwater fish in Taiwan's lakes, ponds, and streams have suffered from pollution, habitat destruction, human development, and fallow farming in recent years, resulting in a decrease in the size and number of lakes and ponds in the lowlands of the plains. Pararasbora moltrechti is a native fish species in Taiwan that is classified as a protected species and is mainly active in the Puli River in Nantou. According to a survey conducted by the Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Pararasbora moltrechti is facing a survival crisis due to drought and low rainfall, as well as declining water levels in the riverbed. Pararasbora moltrechti is characterized by a white abdomen, a blue-purple longitudinal band on the side of the body, and an upward curving line from the gill to the tail fin. The residents of the Hsin Community in Puli, Nantou, discovered that the Changhukeng Stream, Yanliaokeng Stream, and Tainiukeng Stream are the habitat of the endangered Pararasbora moltrechti. They decided to use water bamboo combined with Pararasbora moltrechti rehabilitation as the main axis of rural rebuilding. The community has an ecological pond, and whenever there is a shortage of water in the river or when there is a construction project around the river, the Pararasbora moltrechti will be moved to the ecological pond temporarily. After the Pararasbora moltrechti is rescued, it will be placed in an aquarium for a week to sterilize it before being moved to the ecological pond. After the project is finished, an ecology expert will be asked to evaluate whether the river environment is suitable for Pararasbora moltrechti's return. The Pararasbora moltrechti restoration project has brought many people to the community because they want to see the Pararasbora moltrechti and learn more about the area.