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                     學生專題作品                                         Comm
                                                                    Community Helpersunity Helpers

                                                                                                The Day of a Dentist
                                   Zookeeper                                                                                         304 ࿋ࡥख
                                                              307 ௓ϛӒ         I'm Dr. Liaw. I'm a dentist, and I work at the dental office. Today, Tom
                I am a zookeeper and I take care of 20 parrots of the      came to my office and told me that he had a toothache from last night. I asked
             largest kinds. The two kinds of the large parrots are cockatoos   him sit on the dental chair and checked his mouth with an oral mirror. I found
             and macaws. Every day I go inside their cage and feed them    his teeth covered with candy. He had a cavity and also had bad breath. Tom’s
             vegetables and fruits.                                        dad told me, “Tom likes to eat a lot of candy and doesn't like to brush his
                One day, a visitor came to me and told me one of the macaws   teeth.”
             flew into the monkeys’ area. And then I went to the monkeys’ area       Then I took him to the X -Ray Room to take a full mouth X-Ray image.
             and kept searching it until I found it. I found out the door of the   From the image, I found a large cavity between his first and second molars
             parrot cage was broken, and that was the reason why this parrot   which are on the upper right side of the mouth. After cleaning his teeth, I
             escaped. I told the owner of the zoo that we must fix the door for   drilled his teeth with the handpiece to remove the decay. Finally, I helped him
             the parrots.                                                  fill the teeth with resin. After the treatment, Tom's pain was gone and he felt
                The owner not only fixed the door, but also, he got a brand-  much better. Now, he can smile and eat. I also reminded him to brush his
             new cage. All visitors are very excited to see the new cage and the   teeth after eating.
             parrots are happy once again.

                                   Raising Awareness about Disabilitiesaising Awareness about Disabilities

              Physical Disabilities of Mobility by Amber Lin                          Macular Degeneration and Blindness

                                                              501 ؍̡ᓵ                                                                   501ᖯೱ
                “If you can't get a miracle, become one.” This is one of Nick   Can you think of seeing only blackness for your whole life? Macular
             Vujicic’s famous quotes. Nick Vujicic was born without limbs.   degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss. It affects more than 10 million
             There are so many ordinary things, like brushing his teeth, wearing   Americans, for example. Doris is one person who has this kind of disability.
             clothes, writing, getting something, or going somewhere, that take   Doris had always prided herself on her independence. She owned her own
             him extra effort to accomplish. He has been trying a lot of things   home. She traveled to far-off destinations. She cooked up adventurous meals
             that seem impossible for a person like him to do. He does not let   in the kitchen to share with friends and family. But it seemed that it was all over
             disability stop him from being happy, and he gives speeches that   when she couldn’t see anymore. She felt alone and defeated.
             inspire a lot of people.                                         Doris grieved the ways her life was changing. She can no longer see what
                People with disabilities like Nick need support or equipment   is happening every day or what she is doing. She can’t know where she is
             to get them from one place to another. Some physically-impaired   when she is outside. She can’t do all the things she liked to do anymore, such
             people who have no limbs can’t drive on their own. Therefore, they   as cooking and spending time playing around with her family. Other people
             need a caregiver to drive them around. But with high-tech help,   sometimes marginalize her or directly discriminate against her.
             many physically disabled people have overcome these problems.    Luckily, there is a smartphone app called Be My Eyes. This app can help
                Motor wheelchairs help physically impaired people to reach a   the visually impaired people do things like scan milk to see if it is expired.
             lot of places, so that they can be more independent, and they will   There are thousands of other ways it can help visually-impaired people read.
             not need another person to go with them to every place they want   Another support system for blind people is braille. Braille is a kind of writing
             to go. Barrier-free ramps or other barrier- free facilities provide   that lets them read by feeling bumps with their fingers. You can find braille
             wheelchair users to move around in the community without things   bumps in many places, but not everywhere. Finally, another support system
             blocking their way. They help people who use wheelchairs get   is a white cane. Blind people can carry a white cane to help know what’s on
             into buildings or apartments more easily. With the help of these   the road so they can to walk safely with it. It also shows other people that they
             facilities, disabled can move around areas of different heights   can’t see, so they can help.
             without difficulties.

                                                       Learning Reflectioneflection
                                                       Learning R

                   Web Design, Typing, and Presenting                                       Looking Back to Plan Ahead
                                                                 ҽଫྗ                                                                      ௓ۯҒ
                The jobs in the future aren’t going to be the same as jobs now.   In the future, jobs will be very different from the jobs of today. Technology is
             So we have to learn skills and prepare for the future. We will have   getting better. We must prepare for the changes from today. In the future, people
             to learn skills such as typing, giving powerful presentations, and   doing hard work will be replaced by robots. These reasons make teamwork,
             web design. I think typing is important because it isn’t as tiring as   persuading others, and organizing important. One person only has one brain,
             writing on paper, and in the future, most people will work by using   which can’t think of many things alone, but when more people or minds come
             a computer. Presenting is also important because workers need   together, they can think of many amazing things. This can only happen when
             to communicate and explain their ideas to others while working.   people use teamwork and discuss with each other. Robots are good at many
             Doing web design is also very important because most people use   things, but they don’t have feelings. Without feelings, it’s hard to persuade
             smartphones or computers, and there are countless websites on   others. Organizing a group isn’t a job for robots, because they don’t know which
             the internet. If your web design isn’t good, people will not choose   person the best person for the job, so they may send the worst person to do a
             your company or product. So if you learn these skills, you will be   job instead of the best. The future will need people with these qualities.
             prepared for the future!                                         In the poverty project, we practiced teamwork, persuasive speech, and
                While doing my projects in school, I practiced these skills.   organizing. We discussed what to put on our slides and what things people in
             During the blog project in grade 5, I practiced typing a lot. I typed   poverty need. For the slides, we discussed which pictures we need and which
             information about a location I chose in Taipei. Of course, I also   information we need to write. To finish this, we need to use teamwork. We
             practiced web design by adding pictures and text to my own blog.   also found out that the people in poverty need food, money, and other things.
             I wanted to make my blog unique and fun. When we all finished   Besides teamwork, organizing is also an important skill to finish this project.
             making our blogs, we had to present them. That’s when I practiced   In a discussion, organizing was also a quality that helped us know what to do.
             my presentation skills.                                       Some people are good at typing while others are good at thinking of new ideas.
                The blog project will actually help me in the future. I might need   Organizing made our teamwork better. Our main goal was to persuade others
             to make a blog or design a website for my job, like at a school   to join our fundraising activity. That made it important.
             or company. I already learned about web design, typing, and      The project made us practice the skills of teamwork, organizing, and using
             presenting, so I can make a good website and not worry about it.   persuasive speech. We will need these skills in the future. No matter what kind
             These skills can help everyone in the future!                 of jobs we will have, these skills will be important. We are lucky to practice our
                                                                           skills in school.
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