Page 4 - Spotlight Issue 37
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4     Kang Chiao Spotlight Qingshan Campus‧Issue 37 / November 2021

                                    December                                                      Newton’s Third
                                                                                                  Newton’s Third
                                                                                                  Newton’s Third
                                                                                                  Newton’s Third
                                                                                                   Law of Motion
                                                                                                   Law of Motion
                                                                                                   Law of Motion
            Quick Picks                                                                            Law of Motion
                                      ~  Roland Claassen
                          Assistant Director, International Department                                                ~  Amber Chen
            It’s December and this month we have two new books                                    Teaching Coordinator, International Department
        for you, Goldie’s New Home and Trust Me, Hansel and                The Hero’s Engine in this experiment was invented by a guy named
        Gretel Are Sweet! To read the books, simply log in to          Hero of Alexandria almost 2000 years ago. It helps us understand
        myON and search for the books by title or author. Then         Newton’s third law - that for every action force, there is an equal and
        don’t forget to take the AR quiz at school for some extra      opposite reaction force. Our Grade 6 students are using Newton’s third
        points. Happy reading!                                         law to design moon landers in KCFS class this semester!

                     Goldie's New Home
                     Goldie's New Home                                   You will need:
                                                                         ● An empty soda can with the pull tab still attached
                                    AR Quiz:88993                        ● A nail           ● A piece of string           ● Water
                                    AR Points:0.5
                                     Lexile:370L                      What to do?

                                 A  little  goldfish  dreams          1. Using the nail, punch two holes on opposite sides
                             of  leaving  the  crowded  pet              of the can, close to the bottom.
                             store fish tank and living in an         2. Bend the nail down to the same side for both holes,
                             aquarium of its own.                        to angle them.(See photo)
                                                                      3. Tie the piece of string to the pull tab and hold the
                                                                         can by the string over a large bowl or basin.
               Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel
               Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel                            4. Pour water into the can and observe what happens.
                             Are Sweet!
                             Are Sweet!
                                                                         What happens?
                                  AR Quiz:179404                            The water comes out of the can one way, and the can spins the
                                   AR Points:0.5                         other way!
                                The witch ate little children                       The water comes out of the can in one direction, action,
                             lost in the woods. That's the story                 and pushes the can in the opposite direction, reaction,
                             everyone knows. But it's a nasty                    causing it to spin. This is also how a rocket works. The air
                             rumor! Settle in as the witch
                             herself  serves  up  a  delicious                          that comes out of the back of a rocket pushes the
                             twist on the classic fairy tale.                           rocket forward. I wonder what would happen if we
                                                                                        poke more holes in the soda can? Try it out and see!

                                     Muggles News is organized by a group of KCIS students from the Reporter Club.
                                     We provide the latest and most exclusive reports on what is happening at KCIS.

          Hiking Beginners: Heaven on Earth?

                                                                       By: Arthur Bizon, Brian Teng
             On October 20 , students started their first mountain climbing to Mt. Erge. The scene of
          students carrying gigantic bags looked just like ants carrying food back to their nests. When
          getting to the entrance, students had to walk more than 1km to the actual trail. Once they
          were on the trail, an endless slippery rock staircase with really high steps through a jungle
          awaited and led them to a muddy narrow road. A student almost fell down and the nature
          teacher, Mr. Chiu reminded him, “Be Careful! Watch your steps!” Climbing a mountain isn’t
          easy, but good preparation and perseverance could be keys for success. Let’s hope the
          sixth graders can celebrate their graduation on the peak of Snow Mountain.

                                                  Designing Class T-Shirts

                                                                                                                 By: Emma Chung, Tancey Liu
                                                      Have you ever seen a sixth grader wearing a T-shirt with an animal and their class number
                                                  on the back? Students in Kang Chiao can experience to be a designer. In fifth grade, they
                                                  nominate animals to represent their class, sketch ideas, design, vote for the most talented
                                                  work, and then create a sample. 503’s animal is a lion. Their teacher said, “The lion is the king
                                                  of the beasts,” so they chose a lion to represent the class. A student in 506 said he and his
                                                  friend searched for images before they created it. This helps bring out the inherent talent in
                                                  students on the side of creativity. They design their own T-shirts to show their class spirit and
                                                  make themselves feel united and unique.

                                               英 文 版 總 編 輯:賴國宜
                                               英文版執行編輯:游亞俐、陳麗婷、鄭淳、Roland Claassen、Jaime Molloy、Zachary Warmke、Thomas Otter
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