Page 3 - Spotlight Issue 37
P. 3


                                Excerpts from Student W
          Student               Excerpts from Student Workork
                                                      Explanation of Poverty
                                                      Explanation of Poverty
                                                                                                                  Thomas Wang 王顥翔 601
                                                                               Accidents happen. Some people aren’t lucky enough to
                                                Jane Lee 李梔言 601           survive, and some people survive but get injured. If a person
                   Think about all your time doing activities, living      from a supportive (wealthy) family gets hurt, he or she probably
               a normal happy life as a privileged person. Now,            wouldn’t need a charity or government to help them. They would
               think about how your life would be without all that         have enough money to afford care. However, not everyone is
               fun. Instead, spending the rest of your life on a bed,      so lucky. If a person living in a bad situation or a poor family
               unable to get up without help. There are people in this     gets hurt, they would need a lot of economic support. The bad
               condition; they are living in a vegetative state. This is   situation mentioned above is called poverty.
               usually caused by suffering brain damage.                      People experiencing poverty don’t have enough food, clothes,
                  Being in a vegetative state is extremely hard. Your      or even safe shelter to stay in. Some of the accidents that might
               family has to pay at least NT20,000 per month to stay       happen are severe car accidents, strokes, heart attacks, or near
               in the hospital. Some people can’t                              drowning incidents. People who suffer from those injuries
               afford that, so how can they continue                           are likely going to injure their brains, which is called brain
               to survive? That’s where Genesis                                damage. Brain damage means you may be unable to
               Social Welfare Foundation comes                                  think or even move, because your brain
               in. They can provide assistance to                               controls your body’s actions. People in
               people in a vegetative state.                                    this situation need a lot of help, and a
                                                                                charity called the Genesis Social Welfare
                                                                                foundation provides help to them.

                                                            How Charities Help
                                                            How Charities Help
                                                  Lena Lin 林熙甯 605
                     The Taiwan U-Life Association helps people who
                live in poverty, especially elderly people and children                                                 Chloe Lu 呂沁妍 608
                with disabilities. Since its establishment, the charity                       U-Life is a charity that was established by
                has visited more than 10,580 elderly people living                        famous Taiwanese celebrities. They help children
                alone or in nursing homes, 1,260 disadvantaged                            with disabilities and learning difficulties, as well as
                children and children who have Down’s syndrome.                           old and homeless people. Some old people are
                They have cared for 35,815 people in total.                               lonely and sad, so the charity will put on shows
                    Let’s talk about the elderly people they help. These                  and sing to them. Children with disabilities can’t
                people are really pessimistic because of the conditions                   learn like other kids, so the charity will teach them
                of their lives, so in order to make them happier, U-Life                  and take them on trips for special activities, which
                holds close-range caring interactions. They talk to                       makes them happy. They also do caregiving
                them, read with them, and even play games. But                            activities like giving people medicine and food,
                even though the elderly people (and disadvantaged                         putting on shows, singing, and teaching them how
                children) get lots of care from U-Life, they also need                    to take care of themselves. They do all of these
                money for daily necessities, such as healthy food,                        kinds of things, and as a result, they need money
                warm blankets and clothes, medicine, and more.                            and support from people like us.

                                                                 Call to Actionto Action

                                                Gabrielle Chang 張婕瑩 602                                 Amelie Cara Ho 侯洣渲 608
                         These poor people have been through many bad                  Our school is holding a fundraising event
                    things, so we should feel thankful to know that we are         to help these people. This fundraiser is to raise
                    so lucky to be able to come to school every day. So            money for people in need in Taiwan. Every
                    if you want to help people who are poor or disabled,           dollar counts for these poor children and elders.
                    you should sign up for the fundraising event! The              If you could donate just a little bit of your money,
                    poor families need our help. Taking care of people             it would help make their lives better. So please
                                   in a persistent vegetative state costs          ask your parents to support our
                                   between 20,000 and 40,000 NT dollars            fundraiser by donating to U-Life
                                   per month, and that is a lot. Taking part       and Genesis for the sake of the
                                   in the fundraising even can make a              people in need. With the money
                                   lot of money that we will donate to the         you donate, we could improve
                                   charities. This can make the lives of           the  lives  of  so  many  others.
                                   people in poverty so much easier and            Thank you, and please donate!
                                   better. With your help, we can improve
                                   the lives of people in Taiwan and
                                   maybe change their lives.
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