Page 2 - Spotlight Issue 37
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2     Kang Chiao Spotlight Qingshan Campus‧Issue 37 / November 2021

                                             Personal Growth Through
                                             Personal Growth Through
                                             Personal Growth Through
                                             Personal Growth Through
                                             Effective Action
                                             Effective Action
                                             Effective Action
             the Book                        Effective Action

                                                                                          ~ Jaime Molloy,

                                                                           English Teacher, International Department
               In order to cultivate the next generation of global leaders who are knowledgeable about a wide
           variety of issues both domestically and internationally, students at Kang Chiao learn about a range of
           global and local issues. The focus of our most recent project in grade 6 was poverty, with a specific
           focus on vulnerable people who are unable to afford the help that they need. Students at Kang
           Chiao are fortunate enough to live comfortable lives, so for many of our students, learning about
           poverty was quite an eye-opening and insightful experience. As poverty is an unfamiliar concept
           to most students, it was important for the students to understand the harsh realities that people
           living in poverty face before taking action against it.

           Helping Those Who Cannot Help Themselves

               The goal of this project was to inspire students in lower grades
           to help these vulnerable people by taking part in the school’s
           upcoming fundraising activity. In order to increase participation
           in that event, their goal was informing their parents and other
           family friends about the work of the charities. It was important that
           the younger students understood what they were taking action
           against and how their donations would help, so our sixth grade
           students had to inform them about some of the difficulties that
           these people face, and how the work of the charities helps give
           these people better lives.

           Learning About Social Issues and Taking Action
               By reading the story, Mother Fletcher’s Gift, students learned about the concept of poverty, as well
           as the struggles and problems faced by people who cannot take care of themselves. Then they listened
           to presentations given by representatives from the two charities our school will support. Armed with this
           knowledge, our students were ready to take action and make a difference. It was inspiring to see the students
           realize that they were in a position to help improve the quality of life of many people throughout Taiwan.
                                                                              Sixth grade students are the leaders of our campus, and they
                                                                          successfully informed the younger students about what they could
                                                                          do to help in terms that they could understand. They shouldered the
                                                                          responsibility of inspiring the younger students with maturity beyond their
                                                                          years. Teachers watched on proudly as students delivered an important
                                                                          message: “Together, we can help vulnerable people to live better lives.”

                                                                              Overall, the process of researching and writing these speeches
                                                                          was a challenge that pushed our grade six students to become more
                                                                          compassionate and empathetic. Then, by presenting their speeches
                                                                          to the younger students, they became great models who inspired their
                                                                          junior peers.

                                                         Empathy, Collaboration, and Making a Difference

                                                             The touching presentations given by the charities were a spark that truly motivated the
                                                         students. This spark helped to ignite a blaze of empathy among sixth grade students. As
                                                         they collaborated on writing their speeches, we heard many heart-warming conversations.
                                                         They gave heartfelt testimonies from their own research and experience. As a result, the
                                                         younger students were moved and inspired.

                                                             The passion that the sixth graders demonstrated was infectious; it spread throughout
                                                         the school as the students throughout third, fourth, and fifth grade absorbed the
                                                         presentations with solemn respect for their big brothers and sisters. Something that was
                                                         truly amazing is that none of the students have met any of the people that they have been
                                                         working so hard to help; the empathy that the students demonstrated was a success
                                                         in itself. We observed them grow at a personal level, learning the value of empathy for
                                                         strangers as well as taking leadership to deal with a real-world issue. Knowing that the
                                                         next generation are so motivated to help people they’ve never met is priceless.

         win                                   Quiz Contest                                                     What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                         Use myON to read “Goldie’s New Home” from Quick Picks on
                         Page 4 of the Kang Chiao Spotlight. Which is not one way that                     The most wonderful time of the year is
                                                                                                           coming! The International Department
                         Goldie got others to notice her in the tank?                                      has prepared a variety of activities for
                         (A) She tried to jump up above the water.                                         you. Check out the Christmas Spirit
                         (B) She blew big, shiny bubbles.                                                  Calendar closest to you and pop in
                         (C) She made cute faces and danced.                                               and enjoy the fun with us!
                         Use the QR Code to submit your answer before 12/22 (Wed.)
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