Individual Service
◆ Case 1-Taitung County, Bausun Junior High School: Life Is Full of Possibilities
Wrestling Team (Photo by X5
Foundation's Facebook Business Page)
● Wrestling Team
In rural areas, many talented indigenous kids have been underestimated. GuanShan Elementary School established an athletic team for those talented kids who are lacking training. Now under a coach's cultivation, they keep winning prizes.
Practicing and learning in a safe condition had always been our concern; as the X5 foundation noticed that most of the wrestling equipment was worn out, we decided to replace all the wrestling shoes, clothes and mats to let kids chase their dream safely.
In order to let the kids show off their talent, X5 Foundation has decided to provide high-quality and safe athletic equipment for underprivileged children with insufficient resources, which can not only increase their confidence but also develop their ability in athletics.
Wrestling Team
(Photo by X5 Foundation's
Facebook Business Page)
High School Wrestling Team
(Photoby X5 Foundation's
Facebook Business Page)
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook Business Page)
◆ Case 2-Taitung County, Wulu Elementary School: Explore Interests
School (Photo by X5 Foundation's
Facebook Business Page)
● Music & Art Appreciation
Compared with children living in a big city, children from rural areas often lack learning resources and opportunities. In order to encourage children to explore their interests, X5 Foundation donated musical instruments (such as guitars), and sheet music to Wulu Elementary School in Taitung County.
● One Day Outing-Movie Day-Trip
When X5 Foundation visited Wulu Elementary School, the principal mentioned the movie Listen Before You Sing. He said this is a movie that children here can easily relate to, so he wished he could take them to watch it. Therefore, X5 Foundation planned a movie day trip. However, Wulu Elementary School is about 70 kilometers away from Taitung City. It takes 2.5 hours to drive one-way. Located in the deep mountains, an experienced bus driver is essential, not to mention the weather on the remote mountains in Taitung is always unpredictable. For safety considerations, and to avoid letting the children return home too late, planning the day trip was challenging.
Wulu Elementary School
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook
Business Page)
Wulu Elementary School
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook
Business Page)
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook Business Page)
◆ Case 3 - Hualian County, Tong-Men Elementary School: Nourish Children with Love and Companionship
School (Photo by X5 Foundation's
Facebook Business Page)
● Meal Subsidies
Let It Fly Social Welfare Association provides long-term educational support to their local community in rural tribes in Hualien. There, parents often engage in manual labor work, so they don't have time to either educate their children or to have dinner with them. Besides educational resources, including classrooms and different classes, Let It Fly Social Welfare Association also provides meals for children. In order to enhance the support, X5 Foundation decided to provide subsidies to the association, so they can continue to help the families there.
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook Business Page)
(Photo by X5 Foundation's Facebook Business Page)
◆ Case 4 - Hualian Xiulin Township, Let It Fly Social Welfare Association: Left No One Behind
● After School Tutoring Class
Many rural tribes' families are having economic and resource difficulties. Parents are more likely to engage in heavy labor work, so they don't have spare time to accompany or even educate their children. The establishment of tutoring classes can not only prevent children from playing on the streets or wandering alone, but also let them learn together after school, which builds confidence and broadens the options and possibilities for their future life. In the meantime, it can set the parents' mind at rest.