Page 4 - Spotlight Issue 38
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4     Kang Chiao Spotlight Qingshan Campus‧Issue 38 / January 2022

                                        January                                                  A Simple Machine:
                                                                                                 A Simple Machine:
                                                                                                 A Simple Machine:
                                                                                                 A Simple Machine:
                                                                                                          The P
                                                                                                          The Pulleyulley
                                                                                                          The P
                                                                                                          The Pulleyulley
            Quick Picks               ~  Roland Claassen
                          Assistant Director, International Department                                               ~  Amber Chen
          It’s January and this month we have two special
       recommendations for you based on the most popular books                                  Teaching Coordinator, International Department
       read by our students, Katie Goes Camping and Pedro for                In our grade two KCFS class, students learn about a simple
       President. To read the books, simply log in to myON and            machine called the wheel and axle. With just one more part added
       search for books by title, author, or other book information.      to that, you can make a pulley that can help lift heavy things!
       Then don’t forget to take the AR quiz at school for some
       extra points. Happy reading!                                           You will need:
                                                                              ● a piece of string
                   Katie Goes Camping                                         ● a book or other heavy object
                   Katie Goes Camping
                                                                              ● A wheel and axle or railing
                                 AR Quiz: 134802
                                  AR Points: 0.5
                                   Lexile: 240L                          What to do?
                                                                         1. Try to pick the book up by yourself. Is it
                               Katie Woo and her friends Pedro             easy or hard?
                            and Jojo decide to go camping.               2. Tie one end of the string around the book.
                            They have a great adventure in the           3. Loop the other end of the string over the
                            forest. This book is good for anyone           railing.
                            who likes camping or having fun              4. Now try lifting the book by pulling down on the loose end of the string.
                            with friends.

                                                                            What happens?
                      Pedro for President
                      Pedro for President                                      It’s much easier to lift the book with the pulley than with
                                                                            human effort alone.
                                 AR Quiz: 183187
                                  AR Points: 0.5                            Why?
                                   Lexile: 500L                                By pulling down on the piece of string, the other side goes
                                                                            up. You use the same amount of force using the pulley as you
                               Pedro wants to be the class                  would to lift it by yourself. However, the direction of the force
                            president, so he and his friend                 has changed. Pulling a string downwards is much easier than
                            Katie Woo work together to make                 lifting an object upwards. A pulley is one of the many simple
                            posters and more. This is a fun                 machines that make our lives easier. What other kinds of
                            story with lots of great characters.            simple machines are there?  Keep exploring to find out!

                               We are Kang Chiao’s Debate Club. In this column, we will keep you informed on the latest debate
                               topics and invite you to vote for the side that you support.  It’s time to let your voice be heard!

                              Social Media Should be Allowed for Children Under 13

                 Affirmative Side                                                    Negative Side

              Social media should be allowed for children under 13.              Social media should not be allowed for children under 13.
                 Of course children under 13 should be allowed to use                Social media is dangerous! Although social media can
              social media like Facebook and Instagram! It helps them            connect children with family and friends, it can also expose
              stay in touch with the world and it’s a safe way for them to       them to strangers who may want to harm them or steal their
              connect with their family and friends during COVID-19.             information! There are also many cases of cyberbullying.
                 Moreover, children cannot be shielded from the dangers              While children do need to learn how to protect
              of the Internet forever! They need to learn how to protect         themselves, they should do so when they’re mature
              themselves from hackers, identity thieves and cyber-bullies.       enough. Children under 13 are too impressionable and lack
              There’s no better way to learn than by doing.                      self-control. They are too vulnerable to the harm that social
                 Finally, if children are given the opportunity, they can        media can bring.
              learn right from wrong and make smart decisions on their               The wellbeing of children should be placed above all
              own. Social media is a learning tool that provides children        other things. Social media can be addictive and harmful
                                        access to information on what’s          to children both mentally and physically. It can cause
                                        happening around the world and           insomnia, eating disorders, and low self-esteem. There’s
                                        turns them into informed and             no harm in waiting just a few more years.
                                        responsible citizens.

                                                     These are our thoughts. What do you think?  Please scan the QR code to
                                                     vote for the side that you agree with most.  Your opinion matters to us!

                                               英 文 版 總 編 輯:賴國宜
                                               英文版執行編輯:孫宇辰、李斯帖、陳麗婷、鄭淳、Zachary Warmke、Roland Claassen、Thomas Otter、Monica Tsao
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