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4 Kang Chiao Spotlight Qingshan Campus‧Issue 36 / October 2021
November Loop-the-Loop
Quick Picks ~ Roland Claassen ~ Amber Chen
Assistant Director, International Department Teaching Coordinator, International Department
It’s November and this month we have two new books You probably know that our Grade 4 classes are designing
for you, There Goes Turtle’s Hat and Zeke Meeks vs the roller coasters in their KCFS classes this semester, but did you
Stinkin’ Science Fair. To read the books, simply log in to know that roller coasters have no engines? Let’s find out how
myON and search for books by title, author or other book that's possible with the help of a soccer ball and a piece of string.
information. Then don’t forget to take the AR quiz at school
for some extra points. Happy Reading! You will need:
There Goes Turtle's Hat
There Goes Turtle's Hat ● A soccer ball or other kind of weight
● A long piece of string
AR Quiz: 120003
AR Points: 0.5 What to do?
Lexile: 340L 1. Hang the ball from the ceiling at nose-
height using the piece of string.
Turtle loses his hat in the wind. 2. Pull the ball back and let it swing from in front of you without
It blows into the zoo and lands pushing it.
next to a gnu. Watch turtle as he 3. Does the ball touch your nose when it swings back?
chases his hat around the zoo! Will
he ever find it?
What happens?
Zeke Meeks vs the Stinkin' eke Meeks vs the Stinkin'
Z The ball swings back and forth, but it doesn't touch your nose!
Science Fair
Science Fair Why?
When you pull the ball back and up, you give it potential (stored)
AR Quiz: 148293 energy due to gravity. When you let the ball go, its energy changes
AR Points: 1 from potential to kinetic (moving) energy. It will not touch your nose
Lexile: 530L when it swings back because the total amount of energy becomes
less as some energy is lost to friction. Roller coasters work in
Normally, Zeke Meeks wouldn't a similar way. They start with a slow pull up a long, straight hill
care too much about the science with the help of a motor. This gives the roller coaster its potential
fair, but he needs the prize money. energy. When the roller coaster is let go at the top of the first hill,
If he doesn't pay Grace Change its energy changes from potential to kinetic as it races around the
fifty dollars, she'll use her evil fingernails to rip his track. Due to friction, the roller coaster loses some energy along
face off. Now if only he could find a project that the way. So the next time you're enjoying a ride on your favorite
doesn't make the dog sick or clog up the pipes. roller coaster, think about how potential energy made it all possible!
Muggles News is organized by a group of KCIS students from the Reporter Club.
We provide the latest and most exclusive reports on what is happening at KCIS.
Ms. Saheway’s An Alternative Plan for Swimming Class
Class By: Emma Chung By: Maggie Huang, Tancey Liu
Covid-19 affected the whole world, including Taiwan. Swimming pools remain closed,
Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Yeah~ It’s and students in Kang Chiao have alternative lessons instead of taking actual swimming
Ms. Saheway’s class. It is always fun. Ms. lessons. The swimming coaches take students to different
Saheway has taught in Kang Chiao for 16 places for exercises that can boost their physical fitness
years. She was inspired to be a teacher by levels, such as sit-ups, push-ups, and other sports. These
her Chinese and math teacher in elementary exercises maximize health benefits, help maintain good
school. She enjoys teaching in Kang Chiao shape, and prepare the sixth graders for the upcoming Snow
because the environment and equipment Mountain trip. Even though it’s hard to exercise with a mask
here is better than at other schools. When on, students enjoy the lessons; however, they hope they can
she doesn’t work, she likes to travel, and get back into the pool soon!
she exercises a lot. She teaches students
according to their aptitude. She doesn't think KCIS Drill Practice By: Arthur Bizon, Chi-han Chen, Brian Teng
that everyone should be taught the same, Earthquake drills are regularly held in Kang Chiao, and this semester all students did
because everyone is different and has the invasion and earthquake drills on September 23. Students who were in a classroom
different areas learned to get under their desks, head first, and to hold on
of interest. If to the legs of the desk until the quake was over. Some of the
you learn with classes opened the door in case they needed to evacuate
Ms. Saheway, from the building. After that the teacher called the roll to make
I’m sure you will sure everybody was safe. By doing these drills in school, we
have a great know what to do when an earthquake strikes. Even though it’s
time with her. a drill, it is still very important for students to take seriously.
英 文 版 總 編 輯:賴國宜
英文版執行編輯:彭湘如、游亞俐、陳麗婷、鄭淳、Zachary Warmke、Roland Claassen、Thomas Otter