Page 1 - Spotlight Issue 36
P. 1
Qingshan Campus‧October 2021
High S
High S
High Standards of Achievement at Kang Chiaotandards of Achievement at Kang Chiaotandards of Achievement at Kang Chiaotandards of Achievement at Kang Chiao
High S
~ Zachary Warmke
Curriculum Coordinator, International Department
Kang Chiao students achieve a very high level of English proficiency compared not only to other students
in Taiwan, but also compared to students internationally. They primarily use a textbook that was written for
native English speakers. They also read English books at the same difficulty level as students in English-
speaking countries. They are able to attain this success through hard work and dedication, and because of
our balanced and carefully constructed curriculum. In this article, we will discuss how Kang Chiao’s English
language program facilitates our students to reach such a level.
Multiple Approaches to Teaching
English classes at Kang Chiao are taught by a team of teachers, each specializing in different aspects of
English education. Chinese English teachers have experience learning English and can guide their students
through the complex technical parts of the language, especially grammar points that differ from Chinese. The
foreign English teachers give students insight into the authentic use of English through their natural intuition.
They also teach language arts from a Western
From the Editor
perspective. Finally, KCFS teachers get their From the Editor
students to engage in hands-on activities while
Holistic Language Education
using English. Holistic Language Education
This curriculum ensures that students receive support under the best conditions.
Their foreign teachers give them an authentic English experience and their Chinese- 國際處主任 賴國宜
speaking teachers help them understand English at an academic level.
Quite often, parents ask me, "How can I help
Extended Learning through Projects my child learn English better?" I usually respond to
Another way students gain authentic practice in English is through our projects. the question by asking them, "What is the major goal
At each stage of the inquiry-based learning process, students must discuss, for your child to learn English? Is it to travel abroad,
research, collaborate, write, edit, and present an in-depth topic entirely in English. to study in English speaking countries, or to be
able to meet the future challenges of global work?"
Project topics are extended from in-class readings, which means students learn With Kang Chiao's educational vision, "To nurture
about a topic through guided reading and discussion. As they complete the steps of competitive international leaders" in mind, we set
the project, they expand their knowledge and skills, eventually using them to produce high standards for our English programs. The core
new works. For example, fourth graders use curriculum of language arts taught by foreign and
the classic children’s book Because of Winn- Chinese English teachers ensures students have
Dixie as a starting point to learn about stray a high level of English proficiency. Project-based
dogs. After extensive research, they write learning provides authentic practice of English
appeals to others, encouraging them to adopt through discussing, researching, collaborating, and
homeless animals and help prevent planning to solve real-life problems. Finally, the
animal homelessness. This is far more independent reading program, Hooked on Books,
meaningful to students than simply not only enhances student's reading competency
but also their responsibility for their own learning
writing a book report of the reading. success. I would like to recommend you to read Mr.
These projects also give students plenty Warmke's article to understand the overall goals of
of opportunities to express their creativity. our English program.
An example of this is a first-grade project ੬ϞʾਪҢdνОᜫ܀ɿٙߵ˖һλdҢ
in which students take characters from the ஷ੬ˀਪjઆҎૐ܀ɿߵ˖λٙͦٙ݊ʡჿk̈
story Where Are My Animal Friends? and ঐ͜ߵ˖ਪ༩kא݊ཫࠇՑ̮वኪkᒔ݊ϓމঐ
rewrite it with new events. Then they act ਞၾყึᙄe๖ஷሜٙყਖ਼ุɛʑkவɓಂ
it out on stage. Overall, projects are an Ңࡁᒗሗሙଡ଼ڗMr. WarmkeԸႭdίྌੰ
excellent way for students to use English for ٙߵႧሙࣛdҢࡁνО٢ܵԃՈყᘩن
practical and creative purposes. ɢٟٙึവߵٙ፬ኪᗴ౻d˸ቮί˚੬͛ݺ
Student Choice and Responsibility Ⴇਖ਼ᕚձੰ͊ԸҦঐሙdቮኪ͛༶͜༨ჯਹ
Creative elements of projects are not the only way students control their own ٙٝᗆၾҦঐd༆ӔਪᕚٙঐɢdԨᔟഹІ˴ʷٙ
learning. They also manage their own progress through our independent reading Hooked on Booksቡᛘሙdʺ৷ᄴϣٙቡᛘଣ
program, Hooked on Books. Each term, students are given an Accelerated Reader ༆ձ˖ኪ९ቮd༺ՑҢࡁ௰ٙߵ˖ԃͦᅺj
point goal. They have ten weeks to read books and take a quiz for each one until ԃঐ˸ߵ˖ܠϽeӔᓙeΌ˙З๖ஷٙყɛʑf
they achieve that goal. Teachers help guide them, but they are responsible for their Meeting Our New Friends༾ԈอИ͏݊ɪ
own success. ኪಂɧϋॴٙߵ˖ਖ਼ᕚdࣛሙකӚεɮఱ
Students can choose the books they are interested in, which means they have ኪᅼόd੭ჯኪ͛ਂᇞɪ༟ࣘฤరd௰dኪ͛
fun while they learn. Students are happy to earn high scores by reading books they ٙϓ؈೯ڌɰྼऎజҷϓGoogle SlidedԨீ
wanted to read anyway. Meanwhile, without their knowledge, they are improving ཀٜᅧሙяତfኪ͛ᅰЗঐɢٙҞʺϓəவࡈ
their independent reading ability and learning about many interesting topics. ਖ਼ᕚሙٙจ̮ϗᖡfᒗሗઆɓৎԸؚሧኪ͛ٙЪ
We have worked hard to develop the mechanisms of our curriculum. The various ۜdઆਗ਼೯ତ܀ɿ࿁؇یԭٙ˖ʷႩᗆˢҢࡁ
parts work together to ensure a balanced, student-centered approach to learning. We ᒔଉɝఅl
are proud of the goals our students achieve as they grow and learn at Kang Chiao.