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Kang Chiao Picture Book Award
   2   Kang Chiao Picture Book Award  2021 Winner  Kang Chiao Spotlight Qingshan Campus‧Issue 35 / September 2021  2021 Winner
                                                                                                                                                 Kang Chiao Picture Book Award
                                                                                                                                                2021 Winner

                                         From Passive to Active Readers;
                                         From Passive to Active Readers;
                                         From Passive to Active Readers;
                                         From Passive to Active Readers;
                                         from Readers to Authors
                                         from Readers to Authors
             the Book from Readers to Authorsfrom Readers to Authors

                                                                                                   ~ Zachary Warmke                             Kang Chiao Picture Book Award  2021 Winner
                                                                                  Curriculum Coordinator, International Department
                                                  By the time Kang Chiao students reach fifth grade, they will have read dozens, and possibly
                                               hundreds of English books. Whether it’s for class work, Hooked on Books, or just for fun, our students
                                               love to read. In our recent fifth grade project, we guided our fifth graders to turn their love of reading
                                               into creative energy. They designed, wrote, and illustrated picture books for the school library!

                                               Motivated Authors
                                                  The project began with a simple request from the library. They asked our students to make
                                               books that would be perfect for young readers, such as second graders. The students got to work by
                                               examining the picture books that are already in the library to get some ideas. They learned that such
                                               books are written in basic English, contain beautiful artwork, and generally teach a theme or moral.

                                                             The fifth graders worked in groups to develop characters and plots for their books.
                                                         They collaborated in writers’ workshops, where they shared ideas and gave advice about
 Kang Chiao Picture Book Award
 2021 Winner                                             suiting their writing to their audience or designing better art. After many rounds of revising
                                                         and collaborating, each group had a good story theme to teach their young readers.
                                                             With the plots and themes decided, the groups began designing their characters and
                                                         backgrounds. Once again, they researched popular children’s picture books for inspiration.
                                                         They also learned aspects of designing characters to appeal to younger readers, such
                                                         as using simple shapes and bright colors. The students made their artwork on paper first,
                                                         then scanned it and cleaned it up digitally.

                               Finally, the students composed their picture books using their Chromebooks.
                            The results were interactive digital picture books that could be accessed online.
                            They even added narrations and sound effects! They weren’t done yet, though.
                            Each author group shared their picture book with a test audience of second
                            graders through online video chat. They gauged the second graders’ reactions                                                     2021 Winner
                                                                                                                                                             Kang Chiao Picture Book Award
                            to their books and then asked for specific opinions about the art and plot.
                            They once again revised their books based on that feedback. In summary, this
                            project was no simple task. It was a long and detailed process that required
                            dedication and teamwork.

                                    Real Outcomes
                                       This process taught our fifth graders the
                                    importance of thorough planning and editing.
                                    They learned how complex the writing
                                    process really is through their experience.
                                    Creating these picture books provided the
                                    authentic experience of being a children’s
                                    picture book author.

                                           Perhaps the most exciting part of this project came at the very end. A committee from the school’s
                                       administration evaluated all of the picture books our students made. From this wide selection, the committee
                                       chose ten to be professionally published as hardcovers. These will enter our library’s selection as part of a
                                       special section for student authors. Future generations of students will enjoy these books for years to come.
                                       The fifth graders may even use them as part of their research during their own picture book project next year.
                                           Please take a look at some of the selected work displayed here. Our young authors worked hard on these
                                       charming, thoughtful books. They hope you enjoy reading them as much as they enjoyed making them.

                                               Quiz Contest
         win              From our “Quick Picks” on Page 4, why must the young fish,                            What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                                                                                                                What’s New?
                          Finny, learn how to swim?
                                      Kang Chiao Picture Book Award
                          (A) Finny must learn how to swim, so that he can take part in a                  Every  month,  your  CETs  will
                                       2021 Winner
                                swimming competition.                                                      recommend books for you to read.
                          (B) Finny must learn how to swim, so that he can swim to the                     They will be in the projects folder of
                                other side of the ocean.                                                   the myON library. Read them to get
                          (C) Finny must learn to swim so that he can play tag with his                    ideas for your own writing and earn
                               friends.                                                                    AR points at the same time.
                          Use the QR Code to submit your answer before 10/06 (Wed.)
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