Page 1 - Spotlight Issue 35
P. 1

Qingshan Campus‧September 2021


                                 Back to School; Back to Bloom!
                                 Back to School; Back to Bloom!
                                 Back to School; Back to Bloom!
                                 Back to School; Back to Bloom!

                                                                                                ~ Sheryl Yu
                                                                            English Teacher, International Department
                          EN            Students and teachers are back to school after what feels like the longest
                                    summer vacation ever. At last, the school is full of positive and exciting vibes                                  EN
                                    again! During class time, students have gotten more and more familiar with
       their new teachers and routines. During break time, students explore the campus
       to visit their old friends and teachers, hang out with new friends in classrooms, and
       bathe in the early-autumn sunshine on the track.
            Building Relationships

          Walking around the campus, you can see all the
       new classroom decorations welcoming students to
       their new classes. After weeks of learning from home,
       teachers have helped students to reconnect with each
       other again. Our grade one, three, and five students
       got to know their new classmates too,  and even with
                                                                                                         From the Editor
       social distancing and masks, they can still be each                                               From the Editor
       other’s learning buddies and stay close mentally
       to support each other. This year, our new grade
                                                                                                          A New Start
       one students started their online transition camp in        EN  EN                                 A New Start
       early August. It helped to build in them a sense of
       belonging even before the new semester began.                                                                   國際處主任 賴國宜
       Then when they met at school, they quickly
       recognized and bonded with their teachers which                                           It has been fantastic to see all the children
       meant that they could immediately start learning in                                   back in school learning and playing together nicely.
       a secure and supportive environment.                                                  They have settled down so well and the teachers
 EN                                                                                          were all impressed by their adaptability. Through
            Getting Ready                                                                    experiencing distance learning, both teachers'

          From the experience of remote learning, both teachers’ and students’               and students' digital skills have improved. Most
       technological skills have improved greatly. As teachers prepared for the new          teachers are continuing using technology tools,
       semester, they considered ways in which they could combine aspects of remote          online platforms, and resources to increase students'
       learning with face-to-face learning to keep kids even more engaged. Besides our       collaboration and engagement. The emphasis
       school library’s online resources which help all the students maintain good reading   on digital skills is not just preparation for another
       habits and monitor their independent reading abilities, our grade three and four      shutdown but more importantly to ensure that
       teachers also incorporate online review activities to extend the students’ learning at   students develop crucial digital competency to tackle
       home. Our grade five and six students are gradually mastering their computing skills.   any challenges that they may have in the future.
       They use their Chromebooks during class discussions as well as to complete some           ျ༼ࣧ෤ɓϵε˂dኪ͛ึʔึ࿁ኪࣧٙЪ
       of the homework assignments. All of our teachers from grades one to six have given    ࢹe੬஝dᒔϞΝ኎ɛყชՑ͛ଯճk̈˷ཫࣘd
       thoughtful consideration to effectively bridge the learning process for students to   வɓϣකኪϓމ˜̦ɪ௰˿ɛซΫኪࣧ™ٙอኪ
       enable a smooth transition between distance, hybrid, and in-person learning.          ಂd܀ɿࡁˢɽɛཫಂٙڌତһλd˼ࡁᆠ༐ಂܙ
            Boosting Student Motivation and Skills                                           ΫՑኪࣧdঐί઺܃ձϼࢪࠦ࿁ࠦীሞၾኪ୦dԮ
          We all value the benefits of working with the students in-person again. The        ୦຾᜕d܀ɿࡁһ̋ޜ઎ঐΫՑྼ᜗઺܃ၾϼࢪΝ
       students also appreciate their teachers’ assistance when they need help. We teach     ኪࡁɓৎɪሙf
       students how to keep themselves safe, and we also build their initiative competency       வఙ߉νՉԸٙჃ൷ኪ୦d྅݊࿁வԬϋҢࡁ
       by arranging whole class learning, group learning, and individual learning. Instead   ɓٜપਗٙ߅ҦፄɝձᅰЗ઺ኪٙ༊๪dϼࢪձኪ
       of listening to the teacher all the time, they need to be able to share ideas, evaluate   ͛ٙᅰЗঐɢɽష౤ʺfуԴܨూྼ᜗ɪሙdᅰЗ
       their learning and formulate questions through individual practice. Cultivating an    ʷձ߅Ҧʷdܵᚃҷᜊ઺ኪତఙfΪᏐޥઋٙᇞɪ
                                      active learner takes time and effort. Together,        ઺ኪ຾᜕dᜫҢࡁһ਺֛޴ڦdމ੃ቮ܀ɿࠦ࿁͊
                                      teachers and parents can help every student            Ը͛πٙঐɢdኪࣧБ݁ၾ઺ࢪேცࠅഛ͜߅Ҧٙ
                                      to find the right trigger and motivation for their     Ꮄැdၾࣛࡆආอٙኪ୦ۨ࿒dኪ͛ʑึኹϞ୞͛
                                      learning. Having started to use the social media       աٙ͜І˴ኪ୦ঐɢf
                                      app, Line, during distance learning, we will
                                      continue to use it to create closer and more instant       ̘ϋપБٙHooked on Booksଉঁቡᛘሙ
                                      communication with parents.                            ೻‘ϓ̌౤ʺΌࣧኪ͛ٙቡᛘඎdɰ੃ቮኪ͛˴ਗ
                                                                                             ቡᛘٙ୦࿕dҢࡁίߵ˖ࣧ̊อᄣQuick Picksఊ
          As we follow the weekly learning schedule that derives from our clear syllabi      ʩdӊಂމ܀ɿપᑥՇ͉ʔΝॴᅰٙᎴԄཥɿࣣd
       and goals, our students will grow from strength to strength as they adapt to become   આ̙˸ձ܀ɿɓৎ΍ᛘdאོ݊Ꮈ܀ɿၾઆʱԮቡ
       better learners in any circumstance or opportunity that life offers. The process of   ᛘٙʫ࢙dᄣආֱ၅ٙፋɿࣛΈf
       learning and growing never stops as we stay on the right path. And in the end we
       know that each child will enjoy learning and blossom in their own unique way. Day
       by day, let’s make this school year splendid together!
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