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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Jody Hepperly
English Teacher

Perhaps your son or daughter has told you about some exciting times they have had at Fun Hub this year. Maybe they went to a cool movie or bought a new pencil case at the store. Sounds fun, right? In case you’re still confused, keep reading to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Fun Hub!

What Exactly is Fun Hub?

Fun Hub is the name for the fun (of course) and interactive daily activities for students during their afternoon Big Break. KCIS students learn a lot of useful English skills during regular English Village class time, and Fun Hub is a chance for them to use those skills in an exciting and structured environment. But that’s not all. Fun Hub is also a great way for students to learn basic money management skills. Because most activities cost a small amount of Kang Chiao dollars, students need to save up, think ahead, and make a plan if they want to participate. So students who perform well in their English Village class can take the money they earn there and do something fun with it, all while practicing English and enjoying themselves. Now let us explain more about some of the activities that we are doing in Fun Hub during spring semester:


Mondays are showtime at the movies! Just $10 buys a ticket to KCIS Cinemas, where students can watch a range of entertaining cartoons and lively features. Is it the best theater in Taipei? Some say yes! KCIS Cinemas get “Two Thumbs Way Up!”

KCIS International Bank

The KCIS International Bank is open for business on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students can come use their student cards at one of four real, functional ATMs to withdraw, deposit, or just check their balance. They can also fill out real withdrawal and deposit slips and pass them to our experienced and helpful bank tellers.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
Fun Fair

Wednesdays are reserved for fun and games. A fee of $10 buys entry to experience a carnival-like atmosphere of fun and excitement, where students can play board games, ring toss, balancing balls, Twister, and a ton of other games of skill and chance.

Pop-up Store

Finally, on Fridays, our Pop-up Shop is open for business. Students can browse for stationery or buy some things they may need in school.


None of the above activities would be possible without the support of our amazing team of volunteers. Out of the approximately 100 applications we received at the beginning of the year, we chose 20 students to serve as our 2023-2024 volunteer team. A volunteer’s duties include setting up games and activities, taking tickets to events, helping the younger students figure out how to use the bank, and staffing the weekly sales and Big Sales.

So next time your kids say they had a blast at Fun Hub, now you know what they are talking about!

From the Editor

Exploring Money Management at English Village

國際處主任 賴國宜

"Do you have ten dollars? What do you like to buy?" This conversation is common in English Village during break time. Students have plenty of options to spend 10 KCD on : watching a movie, playing games at the Fun Fair, shopping at the Pop-up Store, or even depositing it in the bank to earn interest! The Fun Hub offers a range of activities for children to choose from, teaching them the value of money and challenging their money management skills. Are you curious about how your children spend their Kang Chiao money? Before you chat with them, please read Mr. Hepperly's article to know more about the Kang Chiao money system and Fun Hub activities.

English Open Day events are still ongoing, with record-high attendance rates from parents of every grade. We sincerely thank all parents for participating. Your presence underscores the importance you place on your children's learning and provides invaluable support and encouragement for teachers and students.

「你有十塊錢嗎?你想買什麼?」下午大下課,在英語村經常聽到以上的對話,十塊康橋幣可以做很多事,例如:看電影、去Fun Fair玩遊戲、到Pop-up Store購買文具,或是把錢存到銀行,還會有利息喔!在英語村的課堂,只要認真參與活動就有機會獲得康橋幣,如何保管和分配這項「收入」,是孩子們學習理財的開端,英語村的Fun Hub提供各種活動讓孩子選擇,如何支配自己有限的金錢,考驗他們管理資源的能力,也從中認識財務與價值的轉換。有些孩子喜歡到銀行提款再將錢存入,再利用ATM查詢餘額,體驗存錢的樂趣,有些孩子則花錢不手軟,直到沒錢了才體會到賺錢不易。透過英語村外師Mr. Hepperly的文章,您可以更理解Fun Hub活動,也可以跟孩子聊聊他如何管理康橋幣。

每周一個年級的青山Time和English Open Day發表會持續進行,各年級的家長出席率屢創新高,感謝所有家長的參與,您的出席讓孩子深刻理解您對他們學習的重視,也為老師和孩子們提供最大的支持與鼓勵。