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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Jenny Lu
Curriculum Coordinator

Are your children facing challenges when expressing their thoughts? Do they struggle to structure their ideas effectively? While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing an article, it is important for our students to learn how to present their stories, ideas, and information in a clear and organized manner. At KCIS, Achieve Writing is a core part of our curriculum that provides students with a space to express their experiences and ideas on various topics. With lessons focusing on various writing formats, Achieve Writing offers our students opportunities to engage with different text types and guides them to become proficient writers.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
  Unlocking the Writer Within

In this program, we help students become amazing writers. An author’s goal is to write their ideas clearly and be understood by their readers. Our students learn about different types of writing, such as narrative stories, scientific descriptions, and persuasive essays. Each type of writing has its own way of talking to readers. For example, expository writing tells facts and teaches readers nonfiction topics, while figurative writing paints pictures with words and stirs the emotions. By studying and practicing diverse writing styles, students learn ways to write, allowing them to choose the best way to achieve their purposes and keep their readers interested.

  Journey through Writing

Writing topics in Achieve Writing are related to students’ life experiences. These topics spark their imagination and make their writing more meaningful. With each topic, students learn how to use different styles of writing to express their ideas. Different topics are suited to different styles of writing, and our teachers guide students in understanding when to use each type after considering their topic and target audience. For example, our first-grade students began their school year by introducing their family members to each other. They brought photos from home, shared them with their classmates, and wrote a family photo essay with captions. Our teachers focus on encouraging and praising the efforts of the first graders. For students, this is the first time they attempt to express their knowledge and feelings about their families in English as they write in their own words into a short passage. We guide them to enjoy this sense of accomplishment as they begin to write.

Moreover, third-grade students were tasked with creating a new game booth for the school’s annual anniversary celebration. They wrote a clear procedural text to explain the rules and steps for playing their games. The writing process allowed the students to focus on crafting detailed and organized instructions.

During Achieve Writing class, sixth-grade students assumed the role of reporters covering global disasters. They enhanced their understanding of journalistic writing. They learned to structure their reports using the inverted pyramid approach used in news articles. This writing experience empowered students to appreciate the influence of effective reporting through news articles.

Throughout the Achieve Writing program, our students explore diverse themes while fostering an awareness of purposeful writing. From family photo essays and procedural texts to journalistic coverage, they develop communication skills across various contexts by applying proper text types.

  Building Strong Writers for the Future

Achieve Writing forms building blocks for our students to become great writers. Students share their writing with real audiences in this program. We teach them about different types of writing and themes, preparing them to write about any topic in the future. Achieve Writing works to enable students to write in many formats with a clear purpose, getting them ready to clearly convey their ideas to a variety of audiences.

Kang Chiao Spotlight


Fostering Writers: A Glimpse into Our English Program

~ Roland Claassen
Assistant Director

Welcome to our latest newsletter, where we're delving into the vibrant facets of our English curriculum!

In this edition, we're thrilled to spotlight two enriching programs that showcase the creativity and innovation cultivated within our curriculum, particularly in the realm of writing.

In our Achieve Writing program, students not only master the art of self-expression and communication, but also learn to articulate clear ideas on paper, explore diverse writing styles, and develop confidence as writers for the future. Motivated by creative topics, they are inspired to ignite their passion for writing.

Additionally, we're diving into our Grade 6 FET project, where students are immersing themselves in the world of Gen Alpha. From figures and events to technology and music, they're uncovering the essence of their generation. What makes this project truly special? The challenge for students to distill their research into a short museum label description, fostering creativity and critical thinking in a tangible way.

These articles showcase how our English curriculum goes beyond teaching writing—it's about nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication skills in our students.

Here's to fostering a generation of confident writers and thinkers!