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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Nicolas Burrola
English Teacher

In today’s rapidly advancing world, elementary education has undergone a profound transformation and here at KCIS we are doing our best to leverage technology to create a generation of efficient learners. The use of technology can be seen at every level here on campus, from first graders reading storybooks on iPads to sixth graders writing essays on their Chromebook to student clubs programming robots to perform a choreographed dance. While all KCIS students engage with technology on a daily basis, there is a greater emphasis for grade five and six students. Two areas where these students have been growing as efficient learners are with access to student resources and writing projects.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
  Convenient and Easy

Our students have a lot to keep track of. Among their Chinese, English, and other classes, there is an enormous amount of material for students to manage. One of the goals for the teachers in grades five and six has been to make resources available to the students anytime and anyplace with an internet connection. When it comes time to prepare for English exams, students are able to access all of their resources.

Kang Chiao Spotlight

The ability to do this is thanks to Google Classroom and its related apps. After finishing a reading in class, our students complete an assessment using a Google Form. Later, they can make corrections on a Google Doc. This means that they can review all their readings and corrections in one convenient digital environment.

They have access to all of the vocabulary words from the entire school year on Quizlet, a website which makes practicing and reviewing spelling words convenient on any device and from any location. To prepare for a spelling test or big exam, a student merely needs their textbook and any device that can log into their Google account. Talk about efficient!

  Improving Projects with Collaboration and Research

The most recent reading projects our fifth and sixth graders completed made excellent use of technology and offered a glimpse into how students are able to work together efficiently. For the grade five Storybook project, students were able to use a Google Doc to collaborate with each other and simultaneously write their stories. For example, two students could write two different pages, while two other students revised and edited their work at the same time. When it came time to create original artwork, students easily worked on the shared images and backgrounds while using their own Chromebooks.

The grade six students worked together in similar ways for their Save Our Planet project. Students utilized the website Canva to create posters and videos. This allowed students to work on visual resources at the same time. Finally, when it came to writing a final essay, students were easily able to share Google Docs with their classmates for effective peer reviewing and editing.

  Looking Forward

Students at KCIS are digital natives – they grew up in a world surrounded by new technology that can often be distracting and overwhelming. This is why it is so important for students to learn how to work and learn efficiently. Having access to learning resources at any time is a great asset that previous generations did not have. Most amazingly, they are able to engage in collaborative project work at any time and in any place. Teaching students to use these abilities well is how we are helping to develop efficient learners for tomorrow and beyond!

Kang Chiao Spotlight

From the Editor

Congratulations and Cheers

國際處主任 賴國宜

Over shorter and shorter periods of time, new and emerging technologies are continuously changing our lifestyles, work, and communication. While more technologies are being replaced by newer ones, a similar revolution is also happening in education. Mr. Burrola, our grade 5 Head Teacher, explained how teachers incorporate technology to make learning resources more accessible to students. Due to Google Classroom and its related apps, students can review vocabulary words, do reading homework, and collaborate with their team on projects at any time easily, even after school. I would like to recommend you to read his article to see how implementing Chromebooks and digital learning allows teachers to increase interaction and enhance deep learning.

It's graduation season again. Congratulations to all our graduating students as they move on to middle school soon. What were their most impactful memories throughout their six years at Qingshan? Read the special issue Making a Time Capsule from our English Reporters to learn about sixth graders' most memorable experiences in elementary school.

It's been a busy semester with all the English Open Day activities, but we are grateful for a great school year. Thank you for all the parents' support and participation. I would like to wish all students and families a safe and enjoyable summer. Have a great summer vacation!

從智能手機、網路、雲端、智慧家電到最近很紅的AI人工智慧,科技已經深入我們的生活,它不只改變了我們的工作和社交,它也改變了教育,這一期我們邀請高年級的英文老師Mr. Burrola來說明科技如何融入英文課程,不論是單字學習資源、閱讀習作到專題的研究、寫作和發表,都可以看到老師們發揮創意,善用科技融入各種創新的教學方式,讓學生能成為更主動自主的學習者。科技也讓學習超越了教室和課本的籓籬,即使在校外學生仍能參與小組協作、或利用雲端資源複習。
