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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Amber Chen
Teaching Coordinator, International Department
Kang Chiao Spotlight

The transition from kindergarten to first grade is a big step for any child. For students, things are about to get more formal, more structured, and a lot more demanding. Learning English in Kang Chiao, students will be grouped based on their English ability. So they will go to English classes with new classmates from different homerooms. This arrangement can be quite complex for young learners to understand.

Despite that, one of our veteran first grade teachers said, “Students seem quite calm and mature this year. They know where to go for English class and we haven’t heard much crying compared to the last few years.” From this teacher’s feedback, we see that first graders are already used to the new school environment and schedule.

★ Getting Familiar with the School

Moving into a new school can be difficult for younger children who are shy or uncertain of new teachers and classmates. Therefore, a seamless transition is extremely important that will help students bridge the gap to this new world, to familiarize themselves with their surroundings, and develop a sense of belonging with classmates.

Teachers collaborated to design activities for students to explore the campus during Transition Camp in early August. On the first three days, English teachers picked up students from their homerooms and brought them back afterwards. This demonstrated the route between different classes and provided a sense of security to the first graders. Showing where the bathrooms are and leading them there helped keep students in the habit of using bathrooms before lessons, so they seldom ask for bathroom breaks after the bell rings.

★ Refreshing the Basics Concepts

Being a first grader also means students' responsibility and expectations increase. Teachers will assign more challenging homework, and students are expected to complete more classwork independently. To ensure students have a strong foundation in learning English, teachers went over concepts like phonics and the alphabet. This not only strengthened the basics they have learnt but also gave them opportunities to practice the basic literacy skills like decoding sounds.

Students enjoyed reviewing spelling and were so eager to learn more that they said they can’t wait to practice more vocabulary using Word Circus! Teachers are amazed that their students are so highly motivated and are able to recognize many words, read simple books independently, and take turns sharing ideas confidently in class.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
★ Creating Positive Relationships

Parents and teachers work together to form a powerful team to help students succeed, both academically and emotionally. Chinese English teachers proactively communicated with parents before the school year started in order to have a greater insight into the child's life at home, so they will be able to best help each student. To make communication more effective and convenient, our e-communication platform and class Line Official groups are recommended for parents.

Kang Chiao Spotlight

It has been a few weeks since school started, and it’s wonderful to see how students have gotten more familiar with their schedules, exploring around, and having adventures at school with new friends. Developing helpful habits and cultivating a positive attitude will lead students on the right track of learning. A positive partnership between parents and teachers will foster students’ success. We are proud of our young learners and hope each child will continue to enjoy school, love learning, and be adventurous!

From the Editor

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!

國際處主任 賴國宜

We are thrilled to welcome our students back to school. Our enthusiastic teachers worked hard during the summer, joining professional development sessions and getting the classrooms ready. After the long summer vacation, many students have been feeling excited and anxious about the new school year, especially first graders who are new to campus. In this issue, our teaching coordinator, Ms. Amber, explains how teachers welcome the students to make the transition easy and smooth. She also advises parents to stay connected and informed by following our e-communication platform and class Line Official groups.

The parent-teacher conference will take place in person on September 24. It offers an opportunity for parents to meet all of our teachers and staff. We will introduce our new textbook, myView Literacy, answer questions, and share exciting events we have for the new school year. I am confident we will have a productive 2022-2023 school year and look forward to meeting all parents at the PTC.

開學了!經過兩個月悠閒的假期,孩子們懷著興奮的心情回到校園,面對新學年的挑戰,不免有一些些忐忑,尤其是剛上小一的新鮮人,從可以唱唱跳跳、玩遊戲、吃點心的幼兒園到上課要坐好、要自己抄筆記、聯絡簿、回家還要寫作業的小學,宛如一連串的震撼教育。這一期我們邀請國際處教學組長Ms. Amber,來說明英文老師們精心設計那些銜接活動,幫助小一寶貝們消除面對新環境的焦慮,順利適應新的挑戰。父母與家人的理解與陪伴,是孩子們最佳的後盾與支持,提醒您定時瀏覽英文電子聯絡簿並加入各班中師的Line群組,即時掌握英文班級的最新訊息,陪孩子們一起面對成長的新挑戰。
