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Having Fun with English

國際處主任 賴國宜

  Kang Chiao Airlines sold a tour to Tokyo in March and another tour to Los Angeles in April. Both tours were so popular that the tickets were sold out in 20 minutes. The pandemic is still going on, so how could the students travel abroad? This special activity is called KCIS Travels the World and is one of many different activities that happen during afternoon breaks in English Village Fun Hub. It is a happy time for children to spend their Kang Chiao money and more importantly, a great way to learn English in real-life situations. Please read Ms. Alejandro's article to discover more about the activities at Fun Hub.

  三月份康橋航空公司推出日本旅遊團,二十分鐘之內機票全部售罄,康橋航空趁勝追擊,四月份推出美國行程,再次造成轟動。疫情持續不下,怎麼能出國旅遊呢?別懷疑,這是本學期英語村特別企劃的環球旅遊活動,讓無法出國的孩子們,體驗買機票、登機、搭飛機,甚至在機上享用點心的樂趣。將英文學習融入生活中是英語村成立的宗旨,除了正式的英語村課程,我們還利用每天的大下課推出Fun Hub活動,結合發行康橋幣,孩子可以運用在課堂中獲得的錢幣,看電影、玩遊戲或是將錢存入銀行生利息。我們相信遊戲可以激發孩子的學習動力,透過擬真的生活情境,自然而然的融入英文,讓孩子沉浸在真實的場景,體驗最自然的語用,同時也學習妥善理財。

  經過一番努力,醜小鴨終於長成美麗的天鵝,這個故事激勵一年級的寶貝們回顧自己上小學以後,有哪些轉變,除了長高,是不是也有變得更成熟、更獨立呢?這一期我們邀請Ms. Catherine來分享一年級的Growing And Changing專題,看看孩子們如何努力的讓自己更茁壯。

  六年級的青山Time和English Open Day成果發表會已在4月21日順利舉辦,接下來各年級的發表會也會陸續展開。由於疫情仍未完全趨緩,學校盡力做好相關防疫措施,不得不限制每位學生一位家長入校,謝謝大家的配合,誠摯歡迎家長參與,為孩子們的成長和表現喝采。

~ Brigitte Alejandro
English Village Teacher, International Department

  Time flies when you’re having fun! Kang Chiao students in all grades enjoy spending some Kang Chiao cash in the English Village Fun Hub. The English Village Fun Hub is a set of activities that happen each week during afternoon breaks. It’s a time for students to take a break from their busy schedules and participate in some fun activities. Students bring their Kang Chiao money to play games, watch movies, or win prizes. There are even special events during holidays to get students in the holiday spirit. Fun Hub is a happy time for everyone, and it’s great for practicing English too!

  Last semester, the students loved visiting Fun Hub to participate in all of the activities. One of the most popular activities was Candy Gram, which was held in December. The students used their Kang Chiao money to buy holiday-themed cards for their friends, teachers, or themselves. The best part was that candy canes were attached to them! The students wrote kind messages to accompany their sweet treats. Throughout the month, our Fun Hub volunteers helped with selling the candy grams as well as making sure they were all safely delivered to the students! Seeing the joy on everyone’s faces was the greatest gift of all!

  In the spring semester, there will be many new activities that the English Village has prepared for students. These are games that bring laughter and joy to all. Students just need to come to the KCIS Bank with 10 Kang Chiao dollars to participate. On Mondays, students can enjoy watching movies at our movie theater for some all-time-favorites. We offer banking services at our Kang Chiao Bank on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where the students can withdraw or deposit money to their accounts. And on Wednesdays, we will have several classic carnival-style games at our Fun Fair, such as bingo, ping pong shake, ring toss, and tic-tac-toss! To finish off the week with a bang, students can buy raffle tickets to win some prizes on Friday! Isn’t that exciting?

  That’s not all! Fun Hub’s most anticipated activity is KCIS Travels the World. While we may not be able to travel to other countries right now, we can have a dream vacation on the KCIS Airlines airplane! We will experience the whole process of traveling by air, including getting boarding passes, going through airport security, finding our seats on the plane, and enjoying an in-flight meal. Our flight attendants will make sure the flights to Japan and the U.S.A., will be pleasant and comfortable.

  None of these activities could run smoothly without the help of the Fun Hub volunteers. The volunteers are students who give their time to help the teachers set up English Village. Then, they work hard to help younger students play games and even use the ATM. At the end of each semester, the International Department will reward them for their hard work throughout the semester.

  The English Village teachers and Fun Hub volunteers look forward to all students coming to enjoy the activities and special events this semester! See you at Fun Hub!

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