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A Great Beginning

國際處主任 賴國宜

  Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We are excited to have all of the students back in our classrooms and hallways filled with energy and enthusiasm for learning. In this issue, our teaching coordinator, Ms. Jennifer, provides some useful advice for helping grade one students to adapt to elementary school. Little habits make a big difference. Creating an evening routine for homework and family time helps children feel prepared and develops a responsible attitude for school success.

  How much time do you spend on social media or surfing the internet every day? Technology changes the form and medium of communication. To provide students an authentic form of writing and reading, the grade five foreign English teachers designed a blogging project to have students create and publish their own weblog last semester. You will find some interesting information from their blogs.

  Thank you to the parents who came to the parent-teacher conference on September 15. It is our goal to help every child feel welcome, connected and part of our Kang Chiao family. I would like to wish you and your child a great beginning for a wonderful new school year.




~ Jennifer Ni
Teaching Coordinator, International Department

Helping Our Children Together

  Did you know that more than two hundred thousand children became first graders in Taiwan this year? That’s a huge number! As a grade one parent, do you have any concerns about your children? Are they working well with their classmates? Are they coping with the new curriculum, and are they paying attention in class? Due to the big jump between kindergarten and elementary school, problems in learning and life adaptation sometimes arise. For some learners, the transition is seamless; but for others, it’s a little harder, and each learner handles it at his or her own pace. What can we do to help our children excel in this new learning environment? Here are some suggestions:

Ease Your Child’s Fears

  Children cannot learn and develop to the fullness of their potential unless they feel emotionally secure. To support children emotionally, parents can spend time talking with their children about their school day. The weekly summaries that the English teachers provide can be used by parents to talk with their children about the activities that are taking place in the classroom. Helping children to adjust their attitude if necessary before school each morning can be helpful too.

Join the Transition Camp

  A great way to help children prepare for elementary school is for them to join the transition camp during the summer break, and our first graders had a wonderful time on camp. They became familiar with the school and its learning areas so that they always know where they are. They discovered where to check out their favorite books and where to explore with friends during break time. They adjusted to a regular schedule and learned to follow school rules through a variety of activities. These two weeks helped the children develop an independent and responsible attitude.

Develop Good Habits

  When children develop a regular schedule and get enough sleep, they achieve better learning results. Help your children set up a routine for doing homework, reading and sleeping, and then help them to maintain that routine. Allow your children to organize their own stationery and books for school. Take your children to the library, so that they will develop a passion for reading. Be patient, because it takes time for children to learn new habits. As parents, you should keep working at it and never give up.

  While we all know how important the transition to elementary school is, we don’t want you to stress too much. Your attitudes and emotions could affect your children. As parents, you can stand together with your children to face any difficulties they experience at school. Let your children’s teachers know when you have any concerns. With Kang Chiao’s support staff and teachers, together with you, the parents, our Grade 1 students have the best possible support network to help them not just navigate through the choppy waters of adapting to elementary school life, but to actually enjoy this important moment in their lives!

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