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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Zachary Warmke
Curriculum Coordinator

In our recent articles, we’ve discussed the ways our educational philosophy has evolved over the past few years. This philosophy affects our curriculum and teaching methods. In this article, we will talk about students’ roles in school, and how they can succeed by following our philosophy in English class.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
  Speaking and Listening in Modern Language Classes

In Spotlight Issue 52, Discussion and Critical Thinking in English Class, we showed how we teach students to be good thinkers. We focus on skills they can use to stay organized and use teamwork to solve problems.

A good language learner engages in discussion as much as they can. This can be a challenge for some students, and they may have to push themselves to do it. However, by working together, students practice speaking and listening with an authentic purpose. They will feel a great sense of pride when they accomplish their tasks together. They’ll also make more friends!

Tips from Ms. O’Halloran, Grade 4 Head Teacher:

A good language learner talks. Students who actively share ideas, stories, questions, and answers. They practice vocabulary in real life situations and share information they have learned. Of course, a good language learner listens to what others say.

A good language learner plays. Students who play games – even simple ones like UNO, Guess Who, or cup stacking – use English in a positive way. They explain rules to each other, and especially tell each other if they broke the rules!

Kang Chiao Spotlight
  New Ways of Asking and Answering Questions

In Issue 53, How Non-Test Evaluations Help Students, we showed how we do things like projects and “Reading Workshop” activities. To do them, students need to use all their English skills in many ways.

A good language learner likes a challenge. They take all of their work as seriously. For example, projects require students to combine their grammar, teamwork, and creative skills. A successful student always gives their best effort. Sometimes, effort is more important than doing everything perfectly. After all, mistakes are easy to correct, and they help us learn. A successful student doesn’t give up. This shows their power to learn and grow.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
Tips from Mr. Burrola, Grade 5 Head Teacher:

A successful language learner has the willingness to take risks and not be afraid to speak or ask questions in class. Some people have the skills to communicate, but are afraid to make mistakes. A good language learner believes that it’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are just opportunities to improve!

Tips from Ms. Sheryl, Grade 1 Head Teacher:

Good learners are reflective and open-minded. They aren’t afraid to try new things, and they learn from others.

Good learners are also creative. They use English make fun, creative stories or projects. Their creativity can lead them to learning new words, and they can share their creations with their friends!

We hope that this article has helped you understand how to succeed by following our philosophy of learning. If you are a student, you can try your best to take our teachers’ advice. If you are a parent, please encourage your child to speak more in class, listen to their classmates, take risks, and give their best effort.

From the Editor

Active Learning Strategies for 2024

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In the latest Spotlight newsletters, we have been sharing updates on how English teaching and assessments are changing. This time, let's talk about how our students can become active learners. Mr. Warmke, our curriculum coordinator, interviewed three experienced teachers from different grades. Drawing from their experiences and observation, they shared some key qualities and learning strategies of successful language learners. We would like to pass these insights as a special New Year's gift for 2024 to our parents. As you plan for the New Year with your children, encourage them to be more involved in class, listen responsively, ask questions, and not be afraid to make mistakes. These efforts, along with working collaboratively with classmates and reflecting on their own learning, will help them grow and perform better.

