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Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight
~ Zachary Warmke
Curriculum Coordinator, International Department

In September of this year, the M-level classes in the International Department starting using their new textbook, myView Literacy. We had been using Reading Street for quite a long time, so this was a major change in our curriculum. This article will explain some of the new features in myView that will help our students achieve new levels of success.

★ New Systems

The biggest feature that makes myView different to Reading Street is the in-book writing exercises. These pages help students comprehend the stories they read, and give them structure to practice comprehension skills. But they also serve as a way for teachers to host class discussions. Completing the pages in class is a great chance for collaboration and sharing. In this way, myView gives students many opportunities to write and speak English in class.

Kang Chiao Spotlight
Kang Chiao Spotlight

The other major feature in myView is the “Close Read” sections. These are in the margins of most pages. To complete a “Close Read,” students need to find important information in the text and then either highlight or underline it. By doing this, students re-read the text several times and discuss it with classmates. Therefore, they come to understand and remember the most important details.

Students take the ideas they discussed and wrote about in the in-book exercises and use them to complete their homework. In grades 1, 2, and 3, they have workbooks. In grades 4, 5, and 6, students complete online Google Forms. The questions in both of these kinds of homework are very similar to the questions in myView, so there is a strong connection between the work students do in class and their homework.

★ Appealing to Different Types of Learners

Although we have only been using the new textbook for a few weeks, there have been noticeable changes to our students’ study habits and participation in English class. myView provides more structure to daily activities and discussions. Overall, our students are enjoying more chances to exercise the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Many students like the way the “Turn and Talk” activities in MyView let them discuss short questions with a partner or small group of classmates. Some students like the “My Turn” activities in which they can write short responses to thought-provoking questions. Furthermore, now that they have more experience, many students have noticed how their contribution to class discussions helps them in their homework. These study habits are helping our students understand their readings on a deep level of critical thinking.

★ Future Success

Many parents are wondering how they can help their children at home. The answer to this question is simple. They do not need to complete in-book workshop pages, since these are done in class. Instead, parents can ask their child to read their main readings aloud, and to explain the main points. Parents can also help check their “Close Read” notes. Students may be eager to show off their work and to talk about the discussions they had with classmates.

The International Department would like to thank all the parents for their help as we transition into a new way of learning. We are excited to see how our students flourish by practicing new comprehension skills and study methods. It is an exciting time!

Kang Chiao Spotlight

From the Editor

myView-Open Your View

國際處主任 賴國宜

Recently the implementation of the new textbook, myView Literacy, has held many parents' attention. The major difference between myView and Reading Street is the in-book writing exercises. It facilitates teachers to host class discussions about the readings. The goal of in-depth discussion is to promote high-level comprehension of text which refers to critical thinking. I would like to recommend you to read Mr. Warmke's article myView Literacy: Our New textbook and Curriculum to understand how students learn in class and the connection between the class work and their homework.

近來最受家長關注的議題就是,新教材myView Literacy對上課方式、作業,還有評量帶來的改變。其實myView Literacy和原先的Reading Street很類似,都是以文學閱讀為主的教材,依循美國共同核心課程標準(Common Core State Standards),有計畫的教授閱讀策略與技能,myView Literacy教材設計的一項特色是直接將「文本的討論」編入課本,學生除了要看懂課文還要能針對文本進行討論、辯證、釐清「文章或文字的意涵」,進而分析作者的寫作意圖。這樣的深度討論在歐美國家早已受到重視,它可以有效促進閱讀理解並提升高層次的批判性思考。本校的英語課程一直都很重視課堂的討論學習,此次配合新教材,教學團隊將「思考、提問、討論」不只融入課堂教學,更結合回家作業和評量,希望能增進孩子的深度閱讀理解力,同時提升學業能力,為了讓家長們多認識myView,本期特別邀請課研組長Mr. Warmke介紹英文新教材,相信能讓您更了解英文閱讀課程。

為了讓小一的寶貝們熟習Hooked on Books課程的選書和閱讀流程,外師團隊以「愛上閱讀」為主題,引導孩子們認識故事書的元素,帶領孩子到圖書館選書或利用iPad操作myON平台閱讀,最後將自己喜愛的圖書推薦給同學。想多了解孩子們推薦的熱門好書嗎?歡迎閱讀小小愛書人的讀書報告。