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Cultivating Digital Literacy

國際處主任 賴國宜

  Technology has revolutionized our daily lives and has also affected how and what children learn. They are given more and more opportunities to use technology and online resources. It's important to equip the students with information literacy and critical thinking skills that allow them to solve complex problems with precision and evaluative judgments. Our Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Kim, explains the educational philosophy and practical methods of integrating technology into English courses. The grade six "Movie Review" project is a great example where our teachers incorporated social media for the students to share videos of their movie reviews.

  As we come to the end of the semester, I would like to thank all parents for their cooperation and support of our school. I hope you all have a wonderful winter vacation.

  根據Global Digital Report 2019 報告統計,全台灣上網人數已累積達到2082萬,擁有全亞洲最高的社交平台普及率89%,在這個隨時可以上網的時代,科技不僅影響我們的生活,也影響著孩子的學習,以及他們對未來生活的想像。這一期我們請課研組長Ms. Kim,以「培育21世紀數位公民」為題,說明科技融入英語課程的教育理念與實際做法。六年級的「電影評論」專題是數位科技與英語課程融合的最佳實例之一,教師團隊利用孩子們對YouTuber的喜愛,引導他們將電影評論改編成影片,在師長搭建的平台上,孩子們欣賞彼此的影評短片,給予評價、按讚,他們不僅發揮創意,學會拍攝、剪接影片,也從真實的經驗,認識網路虛擬世界與真實面對面溝通的差異。



~ Kim Wang
Curriculum Coordinator, International Department

  In this paperless generation, everything is connected and digitized. While our children are exposed in the world of intense technologies, it is our duty to equip them with digital literacy skills. According to The American Library Association (ALA), digital literacy is “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.” In what ways our teachers apply those skills in the classrooms can be demonstrated in two aspects, using technology to find, evaluate and create information, and using technology to communicate and collaborate.

Critical Thinking and Evaluating Information

  Many people might think that reading articles online for research is so-called building up digital literacy skills; however, it is far from enough. The ability to use technology to research should include both cognitive and technological skills, which means being able to think critically about the information they found is as important as being able to understand the information itself. Students not only have to identify the information they are looking for, but they also have the capability to evaluate its reliability.

  Taking Grade 6 The Great Emperor, Shah Jahan Project as an example, students researched on Shah Jahan’s life. While students are trained to develop the ability to identify reliable resources by the teachers, they also learned how to look for information they need through a database provided by our library. As they carry out more research, they advance their ability in selecting relevant information to form counter arguments or to form their own opinions about whether Shah Jahan is a good emperor.

Effective Communication and Collaboration of Digital Content

  Thanks to technology, student-led learning has become possible. It is also technology that helps build a bridge of communication between each student and teacher. Therefore, aside from equipping our children with critical thinking skills in research, we also prepare them with communicative and collaborative skills when using technology.

  In Kang Chiao, we use G. Suite across grades. Through Google Doc., students learned to provide suggestions in terms of content and grammar issues when they reviewed each other’s writing. Through Google Slide, they learned to negotiate, explain and decide the layout of each slide as a team. Through Google Classroom, they learned to pose questions, access and upload content, as well as receive teacher and classmates’ feedback in no time. As they work collaboratively, they are also building up their team-related skills that will benefit them in the future.

Preparing Students for Life Skills Beyond the Classroom

  This is our seventh year of integrating technology into our curriculum. Our teachers have worked together to implement technology in classrooms of various grade levels in different ways. From the fundamental research skills to collaborative learning, our teachers keep three clear priorities in mind: help students think critically; involve each of them to work interpersonally; and prepare students with life skills.Here in Kang Chiao, students learn and refine these skills on a regular basis, preparing them for life in the future that is beyond the classroom.

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