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Oh, the Places You'll Go!

國際處主任 賴國宜

  As an international school, our curriculum aims to bridge the students to the world. In the meantime, we also encourage students to explore the country they live in. Grade 3 Natural Wonders project focused on the unique and beautiful places of Taiwan. Please read the students' articles and maybe you will find the perfect place for your next vacation.

  English is the official language of many nations worldwide. It is also the first foreign language that most people learn, and thus English is often referred to as a "world language". In the new column, Fun With English, Mr. Otter introduces different ways of speaking English around the world. We hope it will extend our students' views of culture and language diversity.

  The Grade 6 English Open Day was held on April 24th. The parents' participation was a great encouragement for the teachers and students. We sincerely invite all the parents to attend the English Open Days to admire the students' growth and performance.

  培育具國際競爭力的社會精英是康橋的立校願景,欲培養具全球視野的人才,除了提供國際教育課程,我們也不忘讓孩子更了解自己立足的這塊土地。三年級的台灣自然奇景專題(Wonders of Taiwan)從孩子自身的旅遊經驗為起點,深入探究台灣的自然景觀,並製作旅遊手冊,運用說服技能,來行銷台灣之美,推薦您閱讀孩子們作品,應該能找到下個假期的旅遊靈感。

  英文是全世界最多國家的官方語言,也是最多人學的第一外語,據說全世界有超過20%的人口會說英文,這麼多人在不同的地區使用英文,自然會形成差異,特別介紹第4版的新單元Fun With English,Mr. Otter以趣味的方式談常見的英式和美式英文用法,藉此擴大孩子們的視野,讓他們了解語言和文化的多元差異。

  六年級的English Open Day在4/24日順利舉辦,家長們熱烈出席,是對用心準備的老師和學生最大的鼓勵,接下來各年級的English Open Day將依次舉辦,竭誠歡迎所有的家長參與,一起為孩子們的成長和學習展現喝采。

~ Roland Claassen
Assistant Director, International Department

  Did you know that according to studies, people's number one fear is public speaking? Palms sweaty. Heart racing. You know the feeling. Whether it’s ten people or fifty, public speaking is always a nerve-wracking experience for most of us.

  In the modern world, we are filled with a flood of communication technology. From emails, social media, television and other sorts of electronic communication, we truly have an unceasing connection to the rest of the world. But there is one type of communication growing more and more absent. The promotion of public speaking among elementary school children is scarce. In order to address this gap, KCIS organizes our annual Interclass Competitions for grades 1-6 to develop the type of powerful, confident speech we would like to see in our future leaders. Practice in these areas can help to increase our students’ overall confidence and fluency and provide an interesting and useful diversion from regular language work. Presentation skills are an important aspect of our curriculum and we want our students to use their voices to take a commanding role in the classroom and beyond.

  During the first few weeks of school students worked hard for the first round of competitions that took place within the classrooms. One group from each class progressed to the finals held from March 11th to March 15th to compete for a place in the top three. All students and teachers assembled in the concert hall to root for their classmates and observe the best 15 groups within their grade level. We would like to thank all the contestants for their hard work and effort to deliver the best possible performances on stage.

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