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Reading and Thinking to Become a Better Learner

國際處主任 賴國宜

  Since last semester, the third and fourth grade teachers have selected several reading strategy articles from Reading Street and together with online questions, have encouraged students to read independently at home. Our curriculum coordinator, Ms. Tina Wei, explains how to use this online reading system to improve the reading of children after class in order to cultivate their confidence and critical thinking skills.

  In the Kang Chiao Future Skills class, the grade 5 students made pinhole cameras and learned the science behind photography. Through the process of designing, creating, and improving their cameras, the students experienced how scientists and engineers think and work. Have a look at their photographs, and you won't believe that their cameras were made from only a cardboard box, a pin, a piece of photograph paper and some tape.

  自上學期開始,三、四年級外師從Reading Street指定數篇閱讀策略文章,並配合線上問題,鼓勵學生在家自由閱讀。課研組長Tina Wei說明如何利用此線上閱讀系統,提升孩子課後的閱讀量,鼓勵多閱讀、多思考,才能培養具備自信、獨立思考能力的閱讀者。



~ Tina Wei
Curriculum Coordinator, International Department

  Reading and thinking go hand in hand and we want our students to critically think about what they are reading. So how can we help our students become better readers? We developed an online platform to help students improve their reading comprehension and confidence in reading critically.

Reading with a Purpose

  Critical reading is when you engage in what you read by actively asking questions. It means being able to provide an argument based on textual evidence. As students read the text, they should be thinking about what is happening and why it is happening to further advance their understanding. Oftentimes, students read at face value and are not able to answer questions about what they just read. We want our students to be able to develop a reading strategy and to think critically about what they are reading.

How to Improve Reading Comprehension

  Every other week, a strategy reading will be placed on the online KCIS Student System and will stay available online for two weeks. For grade three, the readings will be read in class first and then the students can answer five multiple choice questions online to check their comprehension. For grade four, the readings will not be read in class so this will be a good opportunity for the students to practice comprehending unseen readings on their own.

  This online platform is designed to follow the curriculum, but it is flexible in that students can choose when to assess their comprehension, and how many times they want to retake the questions (for a maximum of ten times). It is not a test, so students do not need to memorize the readings and answer the questions from memory. Instead, we want to encourage the students to refer to the readings for textual evidence.

  This platform will help reinforce the comprehension skills and strategies taught in class by allowing the students to check their own comprehension. This additional practice at home will then build students’ confidence and independence in reading critically.

Ways to Help at Home

  There are a few ways students can utilize this platform so that they can improve their reading comprehension. We want to encourage the students to read the readings aloud to the parents first. Then, they can answer the multiple choice questions on their own. Parents can help clarify any questions they may have. The students can choose to retake the questions as many times as necessary until they fully understand the content. We hope that this platform will motivate students to develop the habit of reading more independently, and to read critically so that they can become critical thinkers.

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