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Empowering Students to Solve Real-World Problems

國際處主任 賴國宜

  In the real world, problems are usually complicated and rarely solved by following a single path. Instead, it usually involves applying multi-skills and solving a series of smaller problems along the way. Authentic projects reflect this real-life style of problem-solving. Our curriculum coordinator, Ms. Sheryl, explains how teachers create authentic learning experiences to foster real-world skills.

  Animals are always an interesting topic for young children. By posing the hypothetical situation of people being forced to live underground, grade two teachers motivated students to apply what they had learned about burrow animals, to develop new physical traits to adapt to life in a burrow. You will enjoy the students' creative drawings and interesting descriptions of their "wild selves."




~ Sheryl Yu
Curriculum Coordinator, International Department

  What does authentic mean? Authentic means real. Why does a project need to be real? We create authentic projects for our students in Kang Chiao so that our students can express their real selves when they are doing their projects. We want learning to be tangible and reflect our students’ world and their experiences. Students can then devote themselves to what they care about, and have a chance to really learn about what interests them.

Finding a Connection to Ignite Student Learning

   It is easy to teach from a textbook and fill students with knowledge that we think is appropriate. However, by creating authentic projects for students, we find that education can be more successful and exhilarating! Grade one did a project about signs, and grade three did a project about electricity. Our reward comes when parents tell us how excited their grade ones are when they spot signs and symbols along roads, in supermarkets, or in elevators; or when our grade three students suddenly take note of all the electrical appliances at home.

Creating In-Depth Inquiry into Real-World Situations

  At Kang Chiao, you might see a group of first graders looking for a place on campus to design a sign for, or a group of third and fourth graders in the nature study area looking at different walking paths for their KCFS Trails and Roads Project. There’s a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes to make learning real for our students, because we realize that our students can relate better to what they can visualize and create on their own. When they have the desire to find an answer to a problem, they are more driven to observe, measure, design, and communicate. This increases the quality of their work.

Taking Action to Make a Better World

  Kang Chiao students do projects and assignments in their English teachers’ classes every semester. They create and perform a safety skit to promote safety on campus. They design parks for neighborhoods. They undertake charity drives to support people who live in poverty. They speak to a government bureau about water shortages. They become productive when they believe that they can really make a positive impact on others. They become more eloquent when they are viewed and critiqued by their peers or a public audience.

  The future is not far off for our students. We believe that through every authentic experience, our students are one step closer to making the world a better place!

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