1. What is the DRA?
The number one goal of any reading program should be to help students become proficient, enthusiastic readers who read for a variety of purposes. The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) helps teachers achieve this goal for students in primary grades through middle school. DRA provides a method of assessing and documenting students’ development as readers over time. DRA enables teachers to systematically observe, record, and evaluate changes in student reading performance. DRA provides teachers with information that helps them determine each student’s independent reading level and identify what the student needs to learn next. At Kang Chiao Bilingual School, DRA will be used twice per year (both September and June).
2. How is the assessment conducted?
The assessment is conducted in three steps:
STEP 1: Oral Reading Fluency (for all levels and is tested in September of the first semester):
The assessment contains a range of stories leveled according to text difficulty and requires the student to read a passage orally and to retell the story with minimal prompting. The teacher assesses the student’s oral reading skills, analyzes the strategies that the student uses to read unfamiliar text, determines fluency and phrasing demonstrated during the oral reading and monitors the student’s ability to retell the story with minimal prompting. The main purpose of this assessment is to determine each student’s reading level and to help guide instruction.s.
STEP 2: Oral Reading Fluency (for all levels and is tested in June of the second semester):
The main purpose of this assessment is to determine whether each student reaches the Kang Chiao DRA grade level standard at the end of the school year to determine the following year’s reading instruction.
STEP 3: Reading Comprehension(Level 28 to Level 80):
Students whose reading levels are between L28 to L80 are required to take the reading comprehension assessment in addition to the STEP 2 Assessment. Each student reads independently the leveled reading book determined on the STEP 2 Oral Reading Fluency Assessment and responds to literal comprehension, interpretation, and reflection questions.
3. DRA Level Correlation Chart (U.S.A. Standard)

4. DRA Level Correlation Chart (Kang Chiao Standard)